Mind Travel Apps

Afterlife VR for Cardboard 10
Mind Travel
NOTE: This application uses advanced graphicsand sound processing. It is recommended only for devices releasedsince mid 2013.Afterlife VR Binaural Dreamix by Mind Travel. Lift off from theearth and take an audio visual journey into the afterlife. As yourspirit guides bring up to your next life you will experienceseveral different realms of audio. DJ Ruthless has provided thetracks for this first of its kind audio odyssey. Experience thechange in music and sounds as you elevate and spin through space.Move into the light and you will be taken to your finaldestination. Will it be Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? Find out foryourself.Control your own flight into the vortex. If you are sent tohell, click to shoot demons with ninja stars to escape. If you aresent to purgatory, climb the planks to reach heaven (don't falloff!).
METASPACE - VR for Cardboard 1.2
Mind Travel
METASPACE is a kinetic sculpture by JustinWood in post reality. As the sculpture rotates against thecyber-void, point your head in any direction that you want to goand fly through the layers of the METASPACE. This piece willchallenge your perception of space through the translucent layersof hyper 3D visuals. It is part sculpture, part installation, andpart interactive video art brought into the immersive realm ofdigital post reality. You determine your own experience of thework. The sound changes based on your position and the layers ofthe sculpture reflect and refract the shrapnel so that the viewerwill continue to uncover new visual possibilities again and again.Detach from reality and enter the post reality cyber-void andexperience METASPACE.
Dub World VR - Virtual Reality 2
Mind Travel
A NEW WAY to EXPERIENCE MUSIC - Interactive Dub Remix PlanetExplorer in 3D 360!
Void Contemporary Art Gallery 1.1
Mind Travel
Void Contemporary is an art gallery that shows the best new digitalart in VR.